Principal Message

Principal Message



Education is the manifestation of required perfection which is already in man. The cooperation of parents &guardians is inevitable and indispensable for the moulding of students in a desirable manner. I welcome you all to the most prominent Sri venkatesvara college of Arts and Science. Our college should be happy home for all our students. We are on the road to progress ;so many things are still to be done .We respect basic human value and we are conscious of our duties and responsibilities. The mission of this collage this to impart education to the young citizens,who are going to lead our country in future and also to let them be aware that a proper education shall be the stepping stone to acquire knowledge which shall set him free. Our aim is to nurture the students into self-confident and self-reliant individual. I once again welcome all young and aspiring learners to be a part of the reputation of this college. Let us strive together because together we can.