English UG & PG

English UG & PG

There are both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in English Department The UG programe in the Department of English was started in the academic year 2008-2009. In this 60 seats are allotted The PG programe in the Department of English Science was started in the academic year 2012-2013. In this 35 seats are allotted


Date 30.08.2023
Title The World’s English Mania
Chief Guest Dr. M. Balaganapathy
Head and Assistant Professor,
PG and Research Department of English,
Adaikalamatha College, Vallam,
Thanjavur (Dt).


  • The Mission of the department is to offer advanced, career – Oriented post graduate and research programmes imparting professional knowledge, Employability and life skills, as well as inculcating a vision of community growth and development and strong ethical values.
  • The Department will attempt to provide learning and research opportunities in the following thrust areas,
    • Interdisciplinary studies
    • New Literatures in English,
    • Technology in Language Teaching,
    • Moderns and post modern Literatures,
    • Cultural Studies,
    • Gender Studies,
    • Translation studies,
    • Socio-Linguistics.

    The Department employs innovative, field work and project based learning and Language Competence

Courses Offered

Under Graduate

Post Graduate


  • The Vision of the Department is to develop the department as a centre for Academic Excellence through teaching.
  • The Research that encourages and nurturer literary sensibilities, language competence and critical thinking.


  • To equip themselves with the basic Knowledge skills and Literature
  • To Specialize in identifying various genres of Literature
  • To attain the level of specialized learners of Language.


Prof. P. Bhuvaneshwari,

Assistant Professor
Head of the Department of English